why I cann't find 'qtjava.jar' and 'koala.java' after installing the kdebindings-3.3.0-i386.rpm
cat tom
2005-06-16 23:23:59 UTC
why I cann't find 'qtjava.jar' and 'koala.java' after installing the kdebindings-3.3.0-i386.rpm.
I found kdebindings-3.3.0-i386.rpm (5M) was much more small than kdebindings-3.2.3-1.i686.rpm (17M ).
Why is the version 3.3.0 contains less things?

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Richard Dale
2005-06-16 22:47:25 UTC
Post by cat tom
why I cann't find 'qtjava.jar' and 'koala.java' after installing the
I'm not sure what's in the rpm. You really need the sources so you can look at
the example programs. So I would get a source rpm or tarball of kdebindings
and build the java bindings from that.
Post by cat tom
I found kdebindings-3.3.0-i386.rpm (5M) was
much more small than kdebindings-3.2.3-1.i686.rpm (17M ). Why is the
version 3.3.0 contains less things?
Maybe it's because the C and Objective-C bindings were retired about a year
and a half ago - that could be it.

-- Richard
